
Let the beauty you love be what you do

To find something you are passionate about feels rare these days…



Gather Wild Design grew from a fork in the road.

With a lifelong love of the outdoors, creating memorable events through organic beauty & simplicity, & building/maintaining relationships, Gather Wild’s owner & creative director, Katherine, never imagined the culmination of these passions combusting into a floral and event design business. However, after working her first wedding, she wondered how it never occurred to her sooner. Her story is similar to so many of our team’s as we all happened to stumble upon the beauty in which we now surround ourselves with. Our team truly loves what we do and who we create for.




Coming from a long line of women who find profound beauty in nature, she’s grown up learning to appreciate every genus of the outdoors through her grandmother, Betty.  With a degree in Business, Katherine’s able to cater to her clients both creatively and pragmatically. She believes being able to converge the pragmatism of budgeting and creativity of design is what consistently creates the most beautiful visions and events.

“Life is either one big adventure or just plain boring.”

-Dr. Elizabeth Heard; aka Gran
